6 Developmental Wonders 

Tiny Love's unique developmental system focuses on 6 essential skills. Created with love and care by our child developmental experts, the system supports babies' journey of exploration to the next developmental milestone and encourages parents to explore with their little ones.




Cognition is the mental process through which babies, children and grownups understand the world and acquire knowledge. In other words, this wonder is the corner stone of our capacity to learn, understand and remember.


Language and other forms of communication enable us to share our ideas, thoughts and feelings. This fascinating aspect of baby’s development includes various stages and stepping stones that transform a babbling baby into a talking toddler.


The skill that helps us identify, categorize and understand emotions. It is a significant part of development and an element that has a profound impact on baby’s understanding of people and self. EQ includes the social and emotional skills that make up our personality.

Motor Skills

The skills related to the muscles of the arms, legs, feet and entire body. These muscles are responsible for the less delicate functions, like sitting, crawling, standing, walking and more.


Imagination is our ability to mentally produce images, ideas, thoughts and even feelings that don’t actually exist in reality. Creativity is the process of transforming imagination into reality and the ability that allows babies and grownups to improvise.



Through our five senses, we receive information from our surroundings and process it with our cognitive skills. Our senses literally open the world up before us, bridging between self and reality and helping expand the scope of our understanding.

Moments of Wonder



Supporting Parents and Babies

Understanding Overstimulation - How to Balance your Baby's Environment


Too much stimulation doesn't encourage baby development - quite the opposite. Read through to learn more about what overstimulation is and how you can avoid it.

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A Look at Baby's First Year of Sleep


Sleep is a basic physiological need required for body growth, brain maturation, learning and memory. For this reason and others, sleep is one of the most important things for your baby's well-being.

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Eye Contact in Babies: 


Expert advice when parents' and babies' eyes meet something very special happens - an emotional connection is established.
Reid about eye gaze and eye contact in this insightful
article and learn what you can do to encourage eye contact with your baby. 

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