One of the first purchases parents-in-waiting make when they find out they’re expecting? The stroller. After all, your stroller gets you and your baby where you’re going. There for every quick excursion and long journey. If you’re a first-time parent searching for the perfect stroller or a seasoned parent replacing your current stroller with something that better suits your lifestyle, you’ve come to the right place. 

To help you figure out the best stroller for your lifestyle, we’ve made a list of all the stroller types you’ll come across in your pursuit of the perfect ride. 

Standard Strollers

Let’s start with the basics. Standard strollers are what you’ll see most parents strolling around with when they’re out and about. They’re designed for a single kiddo and usually have adjustable straps and seat, a canopy for protection from sun and rain, and a storage basket underneath for your daily essentials.  

From there, features vary quite a bit. Lightweight models are great for air travel and small storage spaces, while deluxe models often have more cushioning, extra storage, and a few bells and whistles for mom and dad, like cupholders and handy pouches for your phone.  

A lot of standard strollers have the option to become a travel system, and some convert into a carriage or double stroller (more on all that below!).

Travel Systems

Have you ever watched with envy from afar as a fellow parent was able to seamlessly transfer their infant from car to stroller without even taking baby out of the car seat? That showcase of aspirational parenting was brought to you by a travel system. 

Travel systems are the all-in-one solution for toting a tiny human along for errands, playdates, and everything in between. They typically come with an infant car seat, a car seat base, and a compatible stroller. A release button or handle on the car seat lets you easily detach it from the base in your car and snap it into your stroller – all (hopefully) without disturbing your mini-me.  

Since most parents plan to use an infant car seat anyway, travel systems are a registry-pick of choice these days.

Carriage and Modular Strollers

Unless you’re living in Victorian England, you probably rarely hear anyone use the term “carriage.” However, some standard strollers come with a carriage feature now, and it’s pretty awesome. Here’s how it works: Little nugget needs a rest while you’re out and about. You recline your standard stroller seat all the way back, and boom! Instant carriage mode on the go.  

Modular strollers, on the other hand, come with the ability to switch the direction of the child seat, so your little one can be parent-facing or world-facing depending on their mood. Because sometimes they want to see everything around them and sometimes the world is a lot and they just want to see you.

Double Strollers 

We think parents of multiple littles deserve lots of things: a medal, a perfectly cold iced coffee, lots of naps, and a double stroller that can turn easily and fit through doorways. 

As the name suggests, double strollers are designed for two children. Depending on the age difference between your angels, you’ll have different options available to you. Some double strollers are meant specifically for two infants of the same age while some are meant to accommodate older kids or just one infant and an older kiddo. They come in two main seating configurations: side-by-side and tandem (one seat in front of the other).

Compact Strollers

Sometimes, size is what matters. When it comes to smaller strollers, there are umbrella strollers and ultra-compact strollers. Umbrella strollers are lightweight and easy to open and close, but you’ll trade most extra features for that portability. 

Ultra-compact strollers are a good middle ground between the mobility of an umbrella stroller and the features of a standard stroller. Perfect for flying and traveling, some can even connect with an infant car seat to create an ultra-compact travel system.

Three-Wheel Strollers

Take on the whole world with a three-wheel stroller, no matter the terrain. With all-terrain wheels and front wheel suspension, 3-wheel strollers have you covered for any outing. The 3-wheel formation provides an extra level of nimbleness to maneuver past obstacles with more ease than a traditional stroller.  

That’s it! Now, go forth and find the stroller of your dreams.