July, 2013

Dorel Distribution Canada – Enspira, Guide, Cruise, XRS Car Seat Shell Cracking

Manufacturer: Dorel Juvenile Group, Inc.
2525 State Street, Columbus, IN, 47201
Importer and distributor: Dorel Distribution Canada
873 Hodge, St-Laurent, QC H4N 2B1
Consumer Contact: DJG USA Consumer Relations
Models affected:
22410CAUA Safety 1st Enspira 65
22742CLKW Eddie Bauer Enspira 65
22660CTRN Safety 1st Guide 65
22660CZIG Safety 1st Guide 65
22701CAPH Eddie Bauer XRS 65
22761CAGS Safety 1st Cruise Air 65
22762CAZX Safety 1st Cruise Air LX 65
22762CAUC Safety 1st Cruise Air LX 65
Dates of manufacture: February 2nd, 2012 to November 8th, 2012
Number of Units: 26,558
Geographic distribution: Across Canada


Dorel Distribution Canada and Transport Canada wish to inform the public of a non-compliance observed during voluntary internal verification testing that was performed by Dorel Distribution Canada.  During certain simulated crash tests with a 3 year-old test dummy and the restraint in rear-facing orientation, one side of the shell was observed to crack.

This crack could allow part of the restraint system seat back to exceed the maximum allowable recline angle during a severe crash.  The Motor Vehicle Restraint Systems and Booster Seats Safety Regulations limit the maximum angle the seat back is allowed to recline during a simulated crash test.  This is in order to reduce the risk of injury from excessive impact forces being transferred to the child during a crash.  There have been no field reports from actual usage of shell cracking.

It should be noted that there was no evidence of shell cracking during verification testing, conducted by Dorel, in any forward-facing modes or with any smaller, lighter test dummy in other rear-facing mode testing.

Enspira 65 only:

This crack exposes sharp edges which could cause injuries to a child occupant or caregiver.  The Motor Vehicle Restraint Systems and Booster Seats Safety Regulations do not allow restraint systems and booster seats to have exposed sharp edges and/or protruding surfaces following a dynamic compliance test.

Safety Risk:

In the event of a severe collision, the overall structure of the restraint system could be affected which may cause part of the seat back to exceed the maximum allowable recline angle.  This could result in the potential of causing excessive impact forces to be transferred to the child.  For the Enspira 65 only, it is also possible that should the shell crack, sharp plastic edges could be exposed which may injure a child occupant or a parent/caregiver handling the child occupant or the restraint itself.  It is important to note that this issue has not been observed in any forward-facing testing, nor has it been observed when using smaller, lighter test dummies in rear-facing mode testing.

Company Action:

Transport Canada and Dorel Distribution Canada have actively investigated the non-compliance.  The company will notify all registered users, and those who have contacted Dorel indicating that they possess an affected unit, with an Owner Notification Letter.  This letter will contain instructions on how to obtain a free shell repair kit by contacting Dorel’s dedicated toll free telephone number and email address

The repair kit consists of a shell assembly with instructions available in French and English on how to replace the shell.  French and English “how to” replace the shell videos will be placed on Dorel’s website for further clarity.

Replacement Shell Kit Instructions

Consumer Recourse:

Consumers are advised to call Dorel Juvenile Group at 1 (877) 416-9335, Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.  EST or emailcaenspira@djgusa.com to obtain their free shell repair kit.

In the interest of safety, Transport Canada and Dorel Distribution Canada would like to emphasize the importance of obtaining and using the free shell repair kit as soon as possible, as the nature of this structural non-compliance may affect the overall safety of the restraint system.  This could result in an unanticipated or unpredictable response in a vehicle crash.